ABSTRACT: The objective of the research was to understand the training methodological
strategies through a system of pedagogical activities to strengthen digital skills in the teaching-
learning process. This is a study with a quantitative-descriptive approach, which allowed us to
describe the relationship between the variables of the study population, in which a sample of
50 teachers from the Unach Admission and Necessary Coordination was surveyed. , met the
inclusion and exclusion criteria, the test used to describe and analyze the data obtained was
Pearson's Chi square test. As a result, methodological strategies play a crucial role in teacher
training, since they constitute the foundation on which effective, dynamic and inclusive
teaching is built. These pedagogical strategies offer future teachers a wide range of tools and
approaches to plan, implement and evaluate their educational practice. Methodological
strategies influence teacher training, highlighting their importance to develop solid pedagogical
skills, foster creativity and innovation, and prepare future educators to face today's challenges.
The role of the teacher in the higher educational process is crucial for the academic and
personal development of students. To achieve meaningful learning, the teacher must
implement effective methodological strategies that promote understanding, participation and
interest in knowledge. However, sometimes some teachers may resist applying these strategies
for different reasons. One of the main reasons that could lead a teacher to not apply
methodological strategies is the lack of training and training in innovative teaching
methodologies. Many teachers may have been trained under traditional approaches and lack
updated knowledge about the latest pedagogical practices (1). Another reason is that, in some
cases, teachers may be overwhelmed by an excessive workload, which may limit their time and
energy to research and implement new pedagogical strategies. The pressure to complete
academic programs and meet institutional requirements may lead some teachers to prioritize
content delivery instead of pedagogical innovation.
Keywords: Teacher, methodological strategies, higher education
El presente estudio se centra en las variables de las estrategias pedagógicas y la docencia
enfocadas en el desarrollo de las competencias cognitivas que interviene en los fundamentos
pedagógicos, los cuales, los docentes deben desarrollarlas en el momento de la enseñanza, dando
importancia a los fundamentos teóricos y pedagógicos caracterizados en las bases conceptuales
y metodológicas que sustentan la educación incluyendo teorías de aprendizaje, enfoques
pedagógicos y principios educativos.
Las estrategias pedagógicas son enfoques y metodologías empleadas por los docentes para
facilitar el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje en el aula, estas estrategias van más allá de la
simple transmisión de información; están diseñadas para involucrar activamente a los
estudiantes, promover su comprensión profunda de los contenidos y desarrollar habilidades
relevantes para su formación integral. Las estrategias pedagógicas pueden variar según los
objetivos educativos, el nivel de los estudiantes y el contexto educativo, pero todas comparten el
objetivo de crear un ambiente de aprendizaje dinámico, participativo y significativo que potencia