representado por un 32%, y por último la distancia están dispuesto a caminar de 1 a 4 horas
con un porcentaje de 56,5%, para su inversión inicial se requiere de un presupuesto de
$13.705,93. Se concluye que el proyecto es viable, requieren de aspectos como publicidad,
para captar la atención de los turistas debido al lugar donde se encuentra situado.
Palabras clave: camping, naturaleza, inversión, viabilidad, centro turistico
The province of Orellana is a large tourist center that has not been fully
exploited due to the oil industry that over time has been gaining more territory, generating
economic and employment losses. The present research aims to develop a study to
implement a camping area at the ESPOCH "La Belleza" experimental station seeking the
viability of this project. As a methodology, a mixed type of research is presented, qualitative
and quantitative approaches will be analyzed, the sample is 118 tourists for the collection of
information a construct was applied in order to unify questions with similar themes, within
this knowledge, frequency, preference, comfort and price and comfort and permanence are
considered. As a result, it was obtained that tourists present a 42.6% lack of knowledge about
camping and places where to do it, but if they are interested in knowing and being part of this
new adventure, in addition 54% would be willing to live this new experience and would go up
to 10 times, in the case of preference 43.5% are willing to go with their partner, in order to
hike and take advantage of other activities that can be done, in the case of comfort is a factor
that is considered important because they look for a place to clean and that does not have a
very high price this is represented by 32%, and finally the distance they are willing to walk
from 1 to 4 hours with a percentage of 56.5%, for its initial investment a budget of $ 13,705.93
is required. It is concluded that the project is viable, they require aspects such as advertising,
to capture the attention of tourists due to the place where it is located.
Keywords: camping, nature, investment, viability, tourist center
La presente investigación pretende realizar el estudio de mercado para la implementación de un
área de camping en la estación experimental “La Belleza” que buscará evaluar la viabilidad de la
misma. El alcance del estudio abarcará el análisis de viabilidad económica, el potencial turístico,
el impacto del turismo local y la sostenibilidad del medio ambiente.
El ecoturismo se ha ubicado como un componente esencial en el desarrollo sustentable,
ayudando a la preservación de recursos naturales y habilitando posibles fuentes de crecimiento
económico (1). Países como Chile y Costa Rica lograron diversificar sus ofertas turísticas donde
pudieron distribuir mejor el flujo de turistas en los espacios protegidos mediante la habilitación
de zonas que tengan la actividad de acampar(2), (3).
En el Ecuador posee una gran variedad de ecosistemas y paisajes, que ofrece perfectas
condiciones para iniciativas ecoturistas, incluyendo espacios para acampar, mismos que