ABSTRACT: This research focuses on understanding the emotional feeling of Riobamba Fire
Department workers. The study analyzes how people feel stressed, what makes someone calm
or upset, life satisfaction, and working conditions. At the same time, certain approaches are
suggested to improve your psychological and emotional well-being. The results underline the
impact of factors such as workload, recurrent traumatic encounters, and social assistance on
employee health. This study analyzes how the physical and emotional challenges faced by
firefighters impact their psychological well-being. Unforeseen emergencies and natural
disasters often trigger symptoms such as intrusive memories, anxiety, and exhaustion.
Similarly, students who spend long hours studying without adequate rest may experience
difficulties in relaxing and maintaining restful sleep. The research also puts emphasis on the
work environment, considering key aspects such as management, teamwork, self-talk, and
opportunities for professional growth. It is essential to design educational programs that
promote effective management of emotions, help control stress, and strengthen cognitive
strategies to cope with pressure. Likewise, the need to promote community solidarity is
highlighted, both in the workplace and in the family, in order to generate a sense of belonging
and emotional support. Finally, this study suggests instituting protocols to perpetually monitor
the emotional health of employees, such as routine psychological evaluations and
appointments with expert therapists. These actions aim to promote a healthier, more
encouraging, and resilient work environment, benefiting both firefighters and the population
they serve.
Keywords: Emotional well-being, stress level, quality of life, work environment, mental health,
traumatic situations
Expertos en combatir llamas; este término conecta a individuos con valientes almas que
enfrentan conflagraciones, héroes esforzados, y una multitud de alternativas idénticas que
podrían surgir. Sin embargo, rara vez comprenden los escenarios de su empleo, incitando variadas
emociones entre los cuidadores, potencialmente agravando los niveles de estrés. Es factible
contemplar las emociones de un bombero al llegar a una residencia en llamas, o un accidente de
tráfico donde encuentra a alguien que no se salvó, creyendo controlar su vida.
La vocación bomberil ha evolucionado dramáticamente, de sus inicios sencillos como equipos
comunitarios a su rol actual como fuerza de ayuda social diversa. Al principio, armados solo con
cubos y coraje primitivo, enfrentaban obstáculos que superarían las capacidades de la tecnología
contra incendios contemporánea. Con el tiempo, la expansión urbana, el progreso tecnológico y
las complejidades sociales alteraron drásticamente su trabajo.
Hoy, ser bombero implica mucho más que combatir incendios. Pero ¿qué ha impulsado esta
profesión a una táctica tan completa y multifacética? La solución reside en las crecientes
exigencias de nuestra sociedad y las dificultades ecológicas que enfrentamos. El aumento de
calamidades, accidentes laborales y crisis sanitarias ha obligado a los bomberos a equiparse no