Palabras clave: Ciencia, tecnología, mundo digitalizado, competitividad, formación profesional
ABSTRACT: National science and technology policies are key elements for increasing a
country's competitiveness in the contemporary global context. In the case of Ecuador,
universities emerge as fundamental actors in the promotion of fair and equitable access to
quality education, being indispensable for the competitive development of the nation.
However, lack of investment and administrative inefficiencies have drastically limited the
capacity of these institutions to fulfill their mission. The research problem arises due to the
challenges that Ecuador faces in the effective implementation of national science and
technology policies in universities, which has restricted the development of technological and
research competencies in students, limiting their ability to contribute to the sustainable
progress of the country. The objective is to analyze the effectiveness of national science and
technology policies in Ecuadorian universities, evaluating their impact on the training of
competent professionals and on the integral development of the country. The methodology is
based on a mixed approach, combining qualitative and quantitative elements through
bibliographic data from scientific articles and relevant academic literature. The results revealed
that, although efforts have been made to strategically classify and prioritize fields of study for
the allocation of resources, the reality shows a worrisome budgetary shortage that forces the
country to select and privilege certain sectors for the implementation of research centers. This
has generated a disturbing disparity in technological advances, limiting opportunities for young
people. In conclusion, Ecuador needs to significantly strengthen its investment in higher
education and in the generation of new scientific knowledge, in order to close the technological
gap and position itself as a competitive player on a global scale, therefore, an effective
implementation of national science and technology policies in universities is essential to train
skilled professionals and contribute to the sustainable development of the country.
Keywords: Science, technology, digitalized world, competitiveness, professional training
Las políticas nacionales de ciencia y tecnología constituyen elementos clave que, cuando se
ejecutan de manera adecuada, pueden aumentar significativamente la competitividad de un país
en el contexto global contemporáneo. En este marco, la priorización de la inversión en educación
se presenta como un componente esencial para el desarrollo sostenible y equitativo. En un
mundo caracterizado por cambios constantes y una evolución tecnológica acelerada, donde el
conocimiento y la innovación se han convertido en los motores primordiales del progreso, la
educación superior juega un papel decisivo en la formación de individuos capacitados para liderar
el desarrollo ético y sostenible de los recursos de una nación (1).
En el caso de Ecuador, las universidades emergen como actores fundamentales en la lucha por la
equidad social y económica, así como en la promoción de un acceso justo y equitativo a una vida
digna. Sin embargo, las ineficiencias administrativas y la escasez de inversión han limitado
drásticamente la capacidad de estas instituciones para cumplir con su misión, dejando a un